A lot of work...A lot of fun!

We have available to us a various amount of activities on and off our premises. On premises we conduct daily exercise in the gym, or yoga exercises among the beautiful surroundings. We also can be found throwing the football, softball, shooting the basketball, or kicking a soccer ball around somewhere on the grounds. Off premises we can be cycling, playing tennis, skiing, or hiking,.... locally, or at some of the greatest scenery in all of California...Lake Tahoe!

Auburn is also known for their beautiful golf courses as well!

One of the activities we are also very happy about is our Art Therapy. We have on our scheduling a most talented local artist here in the Auburn area......very cool indeed!

Part of the healing process is KNOWING that life has its fun, and that we need to make time for that in our day. Here at the ranch we make sure that each and every day, after a days work, whether on chores, life workshop, or 12 step study,..... we have some additional fun along the way. We can be swimming, fishing, or just floating on the water, while in the boat or soaking up some sun on the raft.


A "typical Day" in life at the Ranch!

At times within our day, or some within the week;
*workout/training at the gym
*breakfast, in or out
*meditation, behavior modification, and 12 step workshop
*12 step, inspirational, or religious readings (upon guest request)
*one on one discussions...throughout the day with your coach
*animal therapy interactions... throughout a day
*sports participation, yoga, fishing, hiking, etc......
*lunch, in or out
*counseling appointment; RELAPSE PREVENTION, therapy, caadac, etc...
*ranch chores, gardening, etc...

*group meetings when scheduled
*physical examination; chiropractic, acupuncture, massage....
*cooking, nutritional counseling, supplement protocols...
*dinner, in or out


Day trips and overnight getaways to Lake Tahoe
skiing, golfing, tennis, rafting, kayaking......(when seasonally available)

 ........We do not have strict daily scheduling here at the Ranch. Every day is not the same. We take each and every day, one moment at a time, and move toward an enjoyable day of
good personal WORK, and much FUN.

NEVER has that attitude failed us!